Because of its geographic position, Castilla-La Mancha borders the largest consumer center in Spain, making it an interesting location for distribution operators, logistics companies, and e-commerce logistics platforms with more competitive prices.
Castilla-La Mancha occupies a leading position within the agri-food industry in Spain, particularly in sectors like wine, olive oil, fruit and vegetables, fresh and processed meat, and cheese and dairy products. It is also a preferred location for agri-food logistics, and greatly supports organic food production.
Castilla-La Mancha holds a leading position in the production of solar photovoltaic and wind energy, and is firmly committed to the bioeconomy, positioning it as a primary industry; and to biological renewable resources as the reason for a new economic model.
The “Castilla-La Mancha Bio-Economy Region” Project (CLAMBER) lays the foundation for the region becoming a benchmark for southern Europe in research related to the use of biomass, of which it is a major producer.
Castilla-La Mancha is a leader in the aeronautical industry, a major driver of the region’s economy that offers opportunities to all companies in the aerospace/aviation cluster, in advanced composite materials in Illescas, and in aircraft maintenance, repair and transformation services.
Castilla-La Mancha offers opportunities for outsourcing services and knowledge sharing, which – as part of a more efficient value chain – are crucial to the success of a company. Competitive costs and a qualified and competitive workforce make Castilla-La Mancha an excellent location for software development, data storage and service, BPO services, etc.