Aragon's commitment to RDI has produced a number of outstanding centers:
The Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (I3A) was created to transmit the results of university research to society and actively support the technological innovation of Aragonese companies.
The Aragon Institute of Technology (ITAINNOVA) is affiliated with the government of Aragon and works to resolve the technology needs of companies and to introduce technological innovations in factories.
The Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) (MIT – Zaragoza International Logistics Program) is a research and training center that works along with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for Transportation & Logistics.
The Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) is a research center at the University of Zaragoza that promotes interdisciplinarity.
The Agri-food Research and Technology Center of Aragon (CITA) works to ensure ongoing innovation in farming and agro-industrial companies.
The Aula Dei Science and Technology Park (PCTAD) works to identify the technology needs of agri-food and biotechnology companies and refer them to research groups. It offers access to technology and knowledge to the business sector.
The Research Center for Energy Resources and Consumption (CIRCE) aims to promote improvements in energy efficiency and the deployment of renewable energies by developing RDI activities and training.
The Hydrogen Foundation is a private non-profit research center created to promote the use of hydrogen as an energy vector.
Aitiip Technology Center incorporates many management, engineering and industrial processes to offer companies an all-inclusive service
The main objective of Zaragoza Center. is to monitor and control automobile accidents and to promote road safety.
Technopark Motorland is a unique 220,000 m2 complex devoted exclusively to the automotive industry to test and promote vehicles.
Aragon Institute of Nanoscience (INA) is part of the University of Zaragoza and focuses on RDI in nanoscience. Thanks to its highly qualified research and technical staff and state-of-the-art facilities, it is a benchmark in Europe in the field of nanoscience.
The Aragon Materials Science Institute (ICMA) is a center that conducts research into materials and that reports to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and UNIZAR.