Spain has the highest FTTH (fiber to the home) penetration rate of any country in the European Union.
Furthermore, ultrafast broadband covers 87% of the country, compared to 60% in Europe.
The 2019 DESI report (Digital Economy and Society Index) ranks Spain eighth among countries best prepared for 5G technology deployment, having auctioned 30% of its frequency spectrum compared to an average 14% in the EU.
Spain is also one of the countries to complete more tests, with pilot projects throughout the entire territory, some of which were funded by the 5G Research in Horizon 2020. And thanks to the deployment by the main Spanish telecom operators, Spain is a leader in commercial 5G.
Ranking FTTH/B - European Ranking
Domestic penetration rate by country* with more than 1% of penetration by family
* Economie with at least 200,000 households, except Island
IDATE for FTTH Council EUROPE, 2019.