BID Lab Forum 2023
IDB Lab Forum (BLF), the IDB Group's flagship event on innovation for development, is being held this year as part of IDB Lab's 30th anniversary. It will be a high-level meeting of regional scope around two pillars to promote innovation and technology that improves people's lives: financing and development of entrepreneurial ecosystems. Both tracks will address cross-cutting issues of gender, diversity, climate and biodiversity. BLF in 2023 will incorporate WeXchange, the main platform to support women's entrepreneurship, into its agenda.
ICEX-Invest in Spain will participate in the next IDB LAB Forum with the aim of publicizing the services it offers to international startups and companies. For this purpose, it will have several slots in the program and a stand where these services will be made visible.
IDB Lab is the innovation arm of the Inter-American Development Bank Group, the main source of financing for development focused on improving lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. IDB Lab drives innovative entrepreneurship in the region by mobilizing funding, knowledge and connections to test early-stage private sector solutions with the potential to transform the lives of vulnerable populations.