Presentation of the report "Mapping the Spanish Microelectronic Ecosystem"
The conference, which will be opened by Elisa Carbonell, CEO of ICEX, and Pedro Mier, President of AMETIC, will analyse the strategic situation of the sector and its investment opportunities, among other topics of interest to the sector. The High Commissioner for PERTE Chip, Jaime Martorell, will also attend the conference to explain the project and its various calls for proposals.
He will also present the instruments available to the public authorities to promote the growth of the sector, its internationalisation and the attraction of foreign investment.
At the end of the presentation, the report will be available on our website for free download.
11.30h Inauguration of the conference
• Elisa Carbonell, Chief Executive Officer of ICEX
• Pedro Mier, President of AMETIC
11.40h Strategic situation of the sector and investment opportunities
• Elisa García Grande, Executive Director of Invest in Spain, ICEX
11.50h ICEX actions to support the internationalization of the sector
• José María Blasco, Director of Infrastructures, Healthcare, ICT-Entrepreneurship, Digital Economy, ICEX
12.00h PERTE Chip: project and calls for proposals
• Jaime Martorell, PERTE Chip High Commissioner
12.20h ROUND TABLE. Presentation of the report and main conclusions
MODERATOR: Javier Yraola, project manager of Invest in Spain, ICEX
• Eduardo Valencia, Director of Electronic Industry, New Entrepreneurship and Territorial Development, AMETIC
• Marcos Martínez, Coordinator of the Microelectronics Commission of AMETIC
• Josep María Insenser Farré, independent Consultant collaborating with AMETIC
13.00h Questions and answers
13.30h Closing and networking coctel