2024 Sovereign Wealth Funds Report
ICEX-Invest in Spain | IE Business School
In the increasingly complex world economy, Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) play an ever more important role due to their capacity to channel large volumes of savings toward investment and hence boost FDI flows. In 2023 FDI from SWFs overcame 13 trillion USD for the first time. This role is analyzed in depth in the study on sovereign funds, a joint project between ICEX-Invest in Spain and IE University, which has become a leading instrument of analysis for the institutional investment industry worldwide. The aim of this project is primarily to analyze the strategies, operations and trends that feature these public investment vehicles. (November 2024)
The 2024 Sovereign Wealth Funds report shows that these funds are defined by continuity and change. Continuity because they make it possible to maintain strong investment activity and are seen as a factor of stabilization in the investment cycle due to their relative immunity to the volatility of the economic situation. And change because they allow the rapid adaptation to the technology revolution thanks to increased investment in sectors such as biotechnology, software, fintech, data, mobility, e-commerce and health. SWFs are increasingly acting not only as financial investors seeking a return in the medium and long term, but also as instruments of public policy that drive the transformation of the productive sector of their economies. In this context, and in line with these objectives, SWF investments in Spain have multiplied in recent years, offering evidence of Spain’s attractiveness to these investors, and in 2023 up to 11 deals were made in Spain.