Facing Challenges Summit Madrid 2022

Madrid 05/12/2022 - 05/13/2022

On 12 and 13 May, Madrid will be the European epicenter of Science Equity thanks to Facing Challenges Summit Madrid which, in its second edition, chooses the face-to-face format for holding this European summit. 

An initiative of BeAble Capital, a leading Science Equity venture in Spain, which has the institutional support of ICEX-Invest in Spain and the sponsorship of the Spanish Association of Capital, Growth and Investment (ASCRI) and TKL Lawyers.


This year the event will bring together in Madrid the main European Science Equity funds, large corporations, private investors, as well as representatives of prestigious institutions, such as the European Commission, UNESCO or the European Investment Fund, which has created a specific program for investment in Technology Transfer, aware of its importance to diversify the European production model by creating high-value competitive industries, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).