
The audiovisual industry in Spain

The audiovisual industry plays a key role in the Spanish economy. Spain ranks sixth in the European Union in the number of titles produced (behind Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Holland and Italy) and fifth in production hours (behind Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy). According to data from the European Audiovisual Observatory, Spain is amongst the five main countries exporting pay-per-view films (TVOD or PPV), along with the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy.  

For the Spanish Government, the industry is strategic due to its global scope, ability to create employment and its potential for modernisation with digitisation. As a result, it approved the “Spain, Audiovisual Hub of Europe” plan in March 2021, with more than 1.6 billion euros of public investment until 2025, and with the aim of making Spain a leading country for audiovisual production in the digital age, a magnet for investment and international talent, and with an enhanced ecosystem for exporting and competing on international markets.

Its team of professionals, cutting-edge solutions, diverse locations, and tax incentives draw an increasing number of international productions to our country, which along with a large number of domestic productions, are attracting the attention of international platforms.

There has been an increase in both quantity and quality. The industry has managed to adapt to the times and develop new viewing models. Digital platforms are the main drivers of this growth.

More immediately relevant content is also offered. The business model is increasingly supported by the production of fiction series. According to the PWC study, The opportunity of fiction content in Spain, the potential market for fiction series productions will generate revenues of almost 4.3 billion euros, contribute 811.9 million to the GDP, produce as many as 72 series, create 18,443 jobs (13,944 direct) and give rise to tax revenues of almost 264 million euros.

There is no doubt that Spain has become a hub for international productions. The filming of blockbusters in our country such as HBO’s Game of Thrones, and the success of La Casa de Papel on Netflix (which has in fact set up a headquarters in Madrid) are only two examples of the importance of the Spanish audiovisual industry in the world.

Increased investment and TV fiction production in Spain

In addition to Spanish-speaking content, another opportunity is the production of international content in Spain, potentially channeled via the development of a production hub for international content in the country.

The PWC study  highlights the following strengths of the Spanish audiovisual industry:
  • Talent, with first-rate producers, creators, directors, etc.
  • Substantial technical resources for film and other related industries.
  • Low cost of production in Spain compared to other countries.
  • Maturity of the local industry, with experience in making first-rate international products.
  • Global positioning of Spanish content with international hits such as La Casa de Papel and Élite.

Spain Audiovisual Bureau

This service is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, funded by the European Union through the NextGeneration EU Fund

Assistance service

for companies interested in undertaking projects in the audiovisual sector in Spain. Please contact us by e-mail, phone +34 917325400 (Monday to Friday, 8:00 – 20:00, GMT+1) or via our contact form.


Discover the RDI Ecosystem IN SPAIN


Why invest

in audiovisual industry
in Spain?

Because Spain easily covers all phases of production. There are over 72,000 professionals and 6,700 companies devoted to the audiovisual industry here. There are 45 film festivals, including San Sebastian (Category A), Seminci, the Malaga Festival, and the Ibero-American Film Festival of Huelva. Over 500 international awards demonstrate Spain's know-how in the audiovisual industry over the last decade.


Tax incentives

Spain is becoming known as a highly competitive and profitable location for international industry. Investments in foreign film and audiovisual productions allow tax deductions for producers of 30% off the first million euros of the deduction base, and 25% for any amount above that, up to 10 million euros maximum per production. The Canary Islands offers an incentive of 54% for the first million euros, and 45% over that amount. Finally, both Navarre and the Basque Country offer a tax credit of up to 40% and 60%, respectively.


Professionals with experience

The Spanish audiovisual industry has an ample selection of multicultural technical and artistic professionals with solid training and experience in national and international productions. They can assume more complex productions and integrate themselves into international teams. The companies that provide production services make it easier to access locations, provide equipment and materials, and they are essential in obtaining tax incentives and subsidies for productions.


Market opportunities

Spain has a very strong internal market (86.7% of consumption in Spain is local). Source: PWC study “The opportunity of fiction content in Spain”.

According to the European Audiovisual Observatory, Spaniards spend an average of seven hours and 28 minutes a day consuming audiovisual content either via television or the Internet, on the computer or cell phone, more than in France, Germany and the United Kingdom.



The audiovisual content produced in Spain has great potential for internationalization. Spanish-speaking content can access Latin America, a market of more than 400 million people.


Infrastructures and services

We are at the forefront. Spanish tourism has provided the country with one of the best service infrastructures in the world.

Technical and artistic production teams have access to an extensive range of hotels and other various accommodations, in addition to an vast network of gastronomic and leisure establishments. Car rental companies, catering, temporary personnel, and general and health insurance companies complete the range of services available in the country. Public health services, and security and emergency services in Spain are universal and are among the best in Europe.

In addition, Spain has a modern and extensive network of infrastructures that aid mobility.



In Spain, all services needed for audiovisual production can be found across the entire supply chain and in any region.

What are the best
investment opportunities?


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Radio broadcasting services

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Animation and audiovisual effects

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Spain favors co-production. According to statistical data on cinematography from the Ministry of Culture, 77 co-productions were registered in Spain in 2023. In the last ten years there have been over 500 co-productions of feature films with foreign countries in Spain. Co-productions governed by international agreements are considered national productions, so access to funding sources is the same as for Spanish productions. They can also benefit from tax deductions for investment in film and audiovisual productions.


Brands recognized at local level choose many locations in the country to shoot their adverts or photo sessions. Mercedes Benz, Audi, Visa, Vodafone, Martini, Vogue, and many others, have production services companies or advertising film producers available for their ads.

Advertising film production has increased by 36% in recent years and the proportion of foreign clients is growing: they now amount to 61% of total revenues. The sector has also grown in direct job creation, from 80,000 workers in 2019 to over 103,392 in 2021 (Source: SCOPEN).


Brexit offers an opportunity for broadcasters that decide to relocate their operations to address the EU market. Spain has simple and favorable legislation that allows broadcasting services to be provided simply by issuing a notification. There is no need to apply for a license. There are no costs associated with providing broadcasting services in Spain.


The Spanish animation and visual effects industry is highly technological. Spain is the world's fifth largest producer of animated films and the second largest in Europe. The next four years are expected to see over 90 feature films, 140 series and around 400 short films begin production.

Animation and visual effects companies in Spain generate 20% employment and 9% of total turnover in the audiovisual sector, although they represent only 4% of the industry.

    Spain Audiovisual Bureau Shooting in Spain. Focus on USA

Shooting in Spain. A comprehensive guide   Shooting in Spain. Advantages Shooting in Spain. Who is Who Spain Audiovisual Hub



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Assistance and Incentive

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Main regions
for the audiovisual industry

for the audiovisual industry

Mapa sector audiovisual
ACICCA Asociación Clúster de la Industria Creativa, Cultural y Audiovisual de Asturias

Find out more about Asturias

Find out more about Canary Islands
LAND Clúster Audiovisual y de Contenidos Digitales de Andalucía

Find out more about Andalusia
CLADA Clúster Audiovisual de Aragón

Find out more about Aragon
Madrid Network

Find out more about Madrid Community
Eiken Cluster

Find out more about Basque Country
Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia

Find out more about Catalonia
With clusters

Success stories

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The ICEX-Invest in Spain team will be attending MIPCOM, the world's largest market dedicated to television content, in Cannes from 21 to 24 October, to complement the extensive programme of activities celebrating Spain as this year's Guest of Honour.

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Capcorp 2024 will be held on 28th and 29th October at the Beatriz Auditorio in Madrid. CapCorp is the most important event in the Private Equity and M&A sector in Spain. 

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